The Craft Room

When I go home for weekends from Connecticut, I know where I am going to spend all my time.
The Craft Room.

My mom has spent years and years collecting books, tools, materials, antiques and vintage pieces that all have come together to create her incredible craft room. It is the most inspiring place I've ever seen. Her mom and my grandmother, Winnie, was also an artist who spent her life collecting materials and creating art. This beautiful room is filled with amazing memories of her and her artistic talents.

This room has everything you would ever need. The minute mom or I am inspired to do a project, we are lucky enough to have everything to start and complete that project. 

There are shelves of jewelry making materials, gems, beads, wire and tools. There are boxes and files of paper making crafts, cards, stickers, glue, tape, and scrapbook album materials. Glitter, ribbon, string, thread, fabric. All things vintage and antique. There is a book on any topic that you would want; knitting, card making, scrapbooking, stamping, jewelry making, sewing, mixed media, sewing, restoring, etc. 
So where does all this come from? Like I said, mom has been collecting for years. And years before that, Winnie was collecting. Mom continues to expand her room by taking many trips to Michaels Arts & Crafts and JoAnn Fabrics. We love those coupons and sales. She goes to auctions, and estate sales, and travels around the east coast finding little shops or yard sales to find great deals. She never comes home empty handed!
The magic about this room is that you can constantly be inspired. I will be working on a project, and while it is drying, I can pick up something to do next. When friends or family come over, we can all work on a separate project depending on what we found on Pinterest! This room is also used for the women of our church to come and make crafts for our Annual Church Bazaar at Darnestown Presbyterian Church. It is so wonderful to have the women gather for such great fellowship in crafting spirit.
I could not be happier to spend so much of my time being creative in this room. Ever since I moved away from home, and started my first job, it has been so hard not having this escape to be creative! I am slowly creating my own inventory in my townhouse, but it is just not the same! 

That is why I take such advantage of going home and spending some weekends with my mom here. It is a beautiful place that has brought my mom and I so close together, and for that I am so thankful. We have amazing dreams and plans for expanding The Craft Room so others can enjoy the amazing inspiration that it has given us. So stayed tuned in the future.

I hope you are inspired now to go out and be creative! Have fun!


  1. HEAVEN on EARTH! What more can I say that would better describe this crafter's paradise. And the fact that you get to share this with your fantastic mom is such a blessing! Wonderful blog and beautiful post....I'll be following for sure.

  2. Kelly! This is the most amazing craft room I've ever seen :) Keep up the awesome work!

  3. This is amazing. I want a craft room now!

  4. Wow, that is the ultimate crafting room!
