My First Craft Show!

This Saturday, I was a vendor in my first craft show! It was the Festival of Crafts in Brookfield, Connecticut. For years, I have been helping my mom in many of her own craft shows. This time, it was my own, and she came to help me! 

In the show, I sold a lot of my Kellembell jewelry. I had many different styles of necklaces, along with lots of different earrings. While at the show, I got a lot of feedback from customers and vendors about how unique the jewelry was, and how excited they were to have a different, new, young vendor with different products than the rest. I couldn't have been more excited about that!

We also sold a bunch of children's clothes. Some of these were some mom had previously made, and some were new ones that I made. We also had children's bibs, and night lights  and flag pennants to decorate a nursery with. These shirts sold very well, especially the Christmas ones!

While I was there, I connected with many vendors, and even show recruiters. They all gave me advice for getting into more shows before the year ends. I didn't think I would, but it looks like I may enter in two more, in November and December! It was a fantastic day, and a wonderful experience. 

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