DIY: Scrabble Coasters

I am starting to get ready for a craft show I am in in November, and these Scrabble coasters were one of the first things I wanted to do! I've seen these all over Pinterest, and I had to make some for myself. Luckily, my mom has a ton of scrabble pieces, thanks for our auction trips and eBay finds. 

What I used:
Scrabble tiles
Acrylic Coating spray
Mod Podge 
Exacto knife or box cutter
Cork board

The steps are very easy.
1. Cut the cork into 4x4 squares. Put Mod Podge on the square, and place 4x4 (16) tiles on the square. I put a book on top after I glued them on to solidify their place.
2. After about 10 minutes, take the book off, and add a layer of Mod Podge on top of the tiles. Wait until it is dry, and add another layer. Too many layers never hurt, the more layers the better!

3. After they are all dry, use the ruler and the exacto knife to cut off the excess cork on the sides.
4. Then, spray the Acrylic Coating on the coasters. Let dry, and apply another coat. This leaves a waterproof, shiny coating on the surface. Done!

It is also fun sometimes to put in secret words! For this set, I included my friends, Willy & Alexa's name in them as a fun wedding gift. 

Love these a bunch, but aren't able to make them? 
Contact me at and we can chat!

That was easy! Hope you enjoyed!

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